


    1.1 本人/吾等确认「开户资料表格」所载资料均属完整及正确。倘该等资料有任何变更,本人/吾等将会通知阁下。本人/吾等特此授权阁下对本人/吾等的信用进行查询,以核实上述表格所载资料。
    1.2 阁下将会对本人/吾等户口的有关资料予以保密,但阁下可以根据联交所及证监会的规定或应其要求,将该等资料提供予联交所及证监会。
    3.1 除阁下(在有关交易的成交单或其它合约单据内)注明以自已本身名义进行交易外, 阁下将以本人/吾等的代理人身份进行交易。
    3.2 倘沽盘是有关非由本人/吾等拥有的证券,即涉及卖空交易,本人/吾等将会通知阁下。
    3.3 本人/吾等会就所有交易支付阁下通知本人/吾等的佣金和收费,缴付联交所征收适用征费,并缴纳所有有关的印花税。阁下可以从户口中扣除该等佣金、收费、征费及税项。
    3.4 就每一宗交易,除另有协议外或除非阁下已代本人/吾等持有现金或证券供交易交收之用,否则本人/吾等将会在阁下就该项交易通知本人/吾等的期限之前向阁下交付可实时动用的资金或可以交付的证券,或以其它方式确保阁下收到此等资金或证券。倘本人/吾等未能这样做,阁下可(如属买入交易)出售买入的证券〉;(如属卖出交易)借入及/或买入证券以进行交易的交收。
    3.5 本人/吾等将会负担阁下因本人/吾等未能进行交收而引起的任何损失及开支。
    3.6 本人/吾等同意就所有逾期未付款项(包括对本人/吾等裁定的欠付债务所引起的利息),按阁下不时通知本人/吾等的利率及其它条款支付利息。
    3.7 就买入交易而言,倘卖方经纪未能于交收日内交付证券,导致阁下须买入证券进行交收,本人/吾等毋须为买入该等证券的费用向阁下负责。
    4.1 由阁下寄存妥为保管的任何证券,阁下可以酌情决定:(如属可注册证券)以本人/吾等的名义或以阁下的代理人名义注册;或存放于阁下的往来银行或提供文件保管设施的任何其它机构妥为保管。如属香港的证券,该机构应为证监会认可的提供保管服务机构。
    4.2 倘证券未以本人/吾等的名义注册,阁下于收到该等证券所获派的任何股息或其它利益时,须按本人/吾等与阁下的协议记入本人/吾等的户口或支付予转账予本人/吾等。倘该等证券属于阁下代客户持有较大数量的同一证券的一部份,本人/吾等有权按本人/吾等所占的比例获得该等证券的利益。
    4.3 本人/吾等并无根据《证券条例》第81(3)条以书面授权阁下:将本人/吾等的任何证券存放在银行业机构,作为阁下所获垫支或贷款的抵押品,或者存放在中央结算公司,作为履行阁下在结算系统下之责任的抵押品借贷本人/吾等的任何证券基于任何目的以其它方式放弃本人/吾等的任何证券之持有权(交由本人/吾等持有或按本人/吾等的指示放弃持有权外)
    7.1 所有本人/吾等户口内的证券均受制于阁下的全面留置权,以确保本人/吾等履行对阁下代本人/吾等买卖证券而产生的责任。
    7.2 倘阁下没有依照本协议书的规定履行对本人/吾等的责任,本人/吾等有权向根据《证券条例》成立的赔偿基金索偿,惟须受赔偿基金不时的条款制约。
    7.3 倘阁下的业务有重大变更,并且可能影响阁下为本人/吾等提供的服务,阁下将会通知本人/吾等。
    7.4 本人/吾等确认本人/吾等已详阅并同意本协议书的条款,而且该等条款已经以本人/吾等明白的语言向本人解释。
    7.5 本协议书受香港特别行政区法律管辖,并且可以根据香港特别行政区法律执行。
客户姓名:_________          见证人:_________
_________年____月____日        _________年____月____日


客户(签字):_________        董事(签字):_________       
_________年____月____日        _________年____月____日
i /we _________ request that you to operate a cash securities trading account (the "account") for me /us on the following terms and conditions:
1. the account
    (1)i /we confirm that the information provided in the account opening information form is complete and accurate. i /we will inform you of any changes to that information. you are authorized to conduct credit enquiries on me /us to verify the information provided.
    (2)you will keep information relating to my /our account confidential, but may provide any such information to the exchange and the sfc to comply with their requirements or request for information.
2. law and rules
  all transactions in securities which you effect on my /our instructions ("transactions") shall be effected in accordance with all laws, rules and regulatory directions applying to you. this includes the rules of the exchange and of a the hong kong securities clearing company limited (the "clearing house"). all actions taken by you in accordance with such laws, rules and directions shall be binding on me /us.
3. transactions
    (1)you will act as my /our agent in effecting transactions unless you indicate (in the contract note for the relevant transaction or otherwise) that you are acting as principal.
    (2)i /we will notify you when a sale order relates to securities which i /we do not own i.e. involves short selling.
    (3)on all transactions, i /we will pay your commissions and charges, as notified to me /us, as well as applicable levies imposed by the exchange,and all applicable stamp duties. you may deduct such commissions, charges, levies and duties from the account.
    (4)unless otherwise agreed, in respect of each transaction, unless you are already holding cash or securities on my /our behalf to settle the transaction, i /we will pay you cleared funds or deliver to you securities in deliverable form or otherwise ensure that you have received such funds or securities by such time as you have notified me /us in relation to that transaction. if i /we fail to do so, you may: in the case of a purchase transaction, sell the purchased securities and in the case of a sale transaction, borrow and /or purchase securities in order to settle the transaction.
    (5)i /we will responsible to you for any losses and expenses resulting from my /our settlement failures.
    (6)i /we agree to pay interest on all overdue balances (including interest arising after a judgment debt is obtained against me /us ) at such rates and on such other terms as you have notified me /us from time to time.
    (7)in the case of a purchase transaction, if the selling broker fails to deliver on the settlement date and you have to purchase securities to settle the transaction, i /we shall not be responsible to you for the costs of such purchase.
4. safekeeping of securities
    (1)any securities which are held by you for safekeeping may, at your discretion:(in the case of registrable securities) be registered in my /our name or in the name of your nominee; or be deposited in safe custody in a designated account with your bankers or with any other institution which provides facilities for the safe custody of documents. in the case of securities in hong kong, such institution shall be acceptable to the sfc as a provider of safe custody services.
    (2)where securities are not registered in my /our name, any dividends or other benefits arising in respect of such securities shall, when received by you, be credited to my /our account or paid or transferred to me /us, as agreed with you. where the securities form part of a larger holding of identical securities held for your clients, i /we shall be entitled to the same share of the benefits arising on the holding as my /our share of the total holding.
    (3)you do not have my/our written authority under section 81(3) of the securities ordinance to :deposit any of my/our securities with a banking institution as collateral for an advance or loan made to you, or with the clearing house as collateral for the discharge of your obligations under the clearing system borrow or lend any of my/our securities otherwise part with possession (except to me /us or on my/our instructions) of any of my/our securities for any purpose.
5. cash held for me /us
  any cash held for me /us, other than cash received by you in respect of transactions and which is on-paid for settlement purposes or to me /us, shall be credited to a client trust account maintained with a licensed bank as required by applicable laws from time to time.
6. risk disclosure statement
  i /we acknowledge that the price of securities can and does fluctuate, and any individual security may experience upwards or downwards movements, and may even become valueless. there is an inherent risk that losses may be incurred rather than profit made as a result of buying and selling securities. i /we also acknowledge that there may be risks in leaving securities in your safekeeping. for example, if you are holding my /our securities and you become insolvent, i /we may experience significant delay in recovering the securities. these are risks that i /we are prepared to accept.
7. general
    (1)all securities held for my /our account shall be subject to a general lien in your favour, for the performance of my /our obligations to you arising in respect of dealing in securities for me /us.
    (2)if you fail to meet your obligations to me /us pursuant to this agreement, i /we shall have a right to claim under the compensation fund established under the securities ordinance, subject to the terms of the compensation fund from time to time.
    (3)you will notify me /us of material changes in respect of your business which may affect the services you provide to me /us.
    (4)i /we confirm that i /we have read and agree to the terms of this agreement, which have been explained to me /us in a language that i /we understand.
    (5)this agreement is governed by, and may be enforced in accordance with, the laws of the special administrative region of hong kong.
signed by _________          in the presence of _________
date:_________             date:_________