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elements of poetry

a. verse

rhyming verse
blank verse (has rhythm, usually iambic pentameter, but has no rhyme)
free verse (has no regular rhythm or rhyme )
b. rhythm

poetic foot (a combination of stressed and unstressed syllables)
anapest (~~/ ) iamb ( ~/) spondee (//)
dactyl ( /~~) trochee ( /~ )

meter (the number of poetic feet in a line of poetry)
dipody (2 feet) triameter (3 feet)
tetrameter (4 feet) pentameter (5 feet)

c. imagery - word pictures created by the use of figurative language

simile - an expressed comparison between two different things using 'like' or 'as' example:

eyes twinkle like stars.
as loud as the roaring sea

metaphor - an implied comparison between two different things; identifying a person or object as the thing to which it is being compared. example:

'it is the east and juliet is the sun.'
tossed on the sea of life

d. symbolism - use of one idea or object to represent another or an aspect of life. example:

light often symbolizes knowledge or wisdom
darkness often symbolizes ignorance or despair

e. contrast - showing the differences between two things

f. comparison - showing the likeness between two things