gambling is actually playing games of chance, such as cards, for money. people regard gambling as wrong, although at first sight it is difficult to show it is wrong. it is true that in a game of chance, one of the parties must lose money, however, the gain of the other cannot be called robbery since both parties willingly agree to run the risk.
perhaps a comparison of gambling with dueling will help us see why gambling is evil. in a duel, as in a game of chance,both parties willingly agree to run a risk. but in civilized countries, duelinglis a crime because law and order in the state wil break down if every citizen can take the law into his own hands and avenge an injury himself. gambling is condemned for the same reason: the effect of gambling is injurious not only to the individual but also to society.
the evils of gambling are in fact many. it discourages habits of industry by holding out before men the hope of getting rich quickly without work. besides this, it often becomes a habit which can throw a man and his family into misery. moreover, it often ends up in theft and robbery, even in crimes of violence. therefore, it must be regarded as a social evil.