in other seasons there might be 20 of us and only a few of them. but now, in the heart of winter, there are 20 of us and 150 of them. we are homo sapiens, a gaggle of bird-watchers, scientists, and photographers; they are grus japonensis, the rare and celebrated red-crowned crane.
如果是在别的季节,我们这边的人马大概会有20个,而对方只会有几个。但是现在正值隆冬,我们这边的数目还是20,对方却增加到150。我们是人类,一群嘈杂的赏鸟人士、科学家和摄影师;它们则是grus japonensis,也就是罕见而知名的丹顶鹤。
the field is white and the wooded edges dark with evergreen. out in the open in the fine snow of hokkaido cluster the great white cranes, the black tertial plumes of their broad wings arranged over their rumps like elegant bustles. known in japan as tancho (red peak), the red-crowned is the second rarest crane species, after the whooping crane, with a world population of fewer than 2,500 birds. it is in other seasons fiercely territorial, but now the birds are gathered in one clangorous flock to scoop up the winter feed laid down for them by farmers. some stalk the field or stand in pairs, lifting their bills to trumpet a shrill, rolling cry, a "unison" call that carries across the fields. one flares its wings and arches its back in a dramatic threat display to relieve the tension of crowding. a swoop of six arrives on motionless wing from their roost site in a nearby river, drop lightly to the ground amid the others, and lower their heads to pluck the scattered corn, flashing their brilliant caps of crimson like blood on snow.
the japanese have a word, aware, for the feelings that arise from the poignant beauty of an ephemeral thing. the word refers not to the fragility or loss of the thing itself, but to the human feelings evoked by its passing. those of us pressed against the rail are elated and grateful for this close look at the cranes concentrated here like a vision—and which, like a vision, may just as quickly vanish. no wonder people fly halfway around the world, board buses and trains and ferries, and wait patiently in the heavy snow to see these birds gather to preen and flare and dance their wild courtship dances. no wonder the crane is revered by the japanese and so admired that their art never tires of representing it.
only in japan's winter does this spectacle occur, and others as well, a striking assemblage of animals, from cranes and eagles to snow monkeys and sika deer, that endure the season's hard tenancy in small refuges, natural and man-made, on hokkaido and in the mountains of japan's main island, honshu. some of the animals that take shelter in these spots are abundant, even overabundant; others are rare, having been hunted to the brink of extinction or chivied out of their last natural redoubts by human pressures. some are in the winter of their existence and endure only through the courageous efforts of a few people working against great odds.
the concentration of these creatures in small shards of habitat on a crowded island nation creates scenes of startling beauty—and sometimes, startling conflict. i've come to hokkaido to learn what lessons might underlie these spectacles, what they might teach us about wildness and survival and the riddle of our own relations to nature.
winter brings 2,000 steller's sea-eagles to the coast of hokkaido—almost a third of the species' population. come spring, they head north to russia to breed. with a wingspan of up to nine feet (two meters) and weight of up to 20 pounds (ten kilograms), the steller's far outsizes north america's bald eagle.
even cloaked in ice, an oldsquaw duck finds hokkaido's winter climate bearable. the ducks' densely packed feathers trap enough air to insulate them from frigid waters.
it may be called the jigokudani wild monkey park, but the japanese macaques here have taken up one of life's more civilized pleasures: hot tubbing. a series of hot springs help keep the monkeys warm through the cold winters. also known as snow monkeys, japanese macaques are the world's northernmost non-human primates.
red-crowned cranes sing a "unison" call on hokkaido, the northernmost of japan's main islands. once almost extinct in japan, hundreds of the revered cranes now winter here, helped by handouts of grain from local farmers.
punctuated by leaps that can reach ten feet, the dance of the red-crowned crane is so arresting that japan actually named a city for it: maizuru, or dancing crane.
too many animals, too little space: it's not an uncommon problem in japan. consider the japanese macaque, a natural treasure and winter spectacle. these monkeys are famous for their cultural transmission behavior (young monkeys learn from their elders novel kinds of behaviors, from grooming techniques to food preparation) and for living farther north than any other primate except humans. some 110,000 live in japan, 7,000 of them in the cold, snowy alps of honshu, where they have earned the moniker "snow monkey."
jigokudani wild monkey park draws hundreds of thousands of visitors a year to watch the macaques, especially in winter. to help keep the monkeys in the area, the park staff feeds them several times a day and has done so for 40 years. when the feeding started, the troop numbered 23 individuals; now it has about 200.
here and elsewhere in japan, artificial feeding of the monkeys with "human" foods and their burgeoning numbers in populated areas have begun to cause problems. in ancient japanese folktales, monkeys often appear as tricksters, cleverly duping other animals out of their rice ball or persimmon fruit. the macaques at jigokudani and other spots in japan are living up to their bad rap, raiding orchards and gardens, taking apples, prize grapes, and other crops. the situation is especially bad where expanding numbers of monkeys are moving closer to villages and growing bolder in their exploits, occasionally attacking humans and stealing food from inside houses.