the old soldiers urge me not to go looking. they'd prefer to think that the road they hacked across india's steep patkai range and down through the jungles of burma to china during world war ii is gone. that its two stringy lanes—now six decades old—have been devoured by time and landslides, jungle monsoons and swampy earth.
but right now, step after step, i'm crossing a steel bridge near the northeastern indian village of jairampur: a dilapidated span the old soldiers laid above the muddy khatang nalla in early 1943, the first true bridge of the burma road's 1,100-mile (1,800 kilometer) length.
可是现在,我正一步一步地越过印度东北jairampur村附近地一个铁桥:这座已经荒废了的桥是老兵们于1943年初,在泥泞的khatang nalla河上架设的,这也是全长1800公里的滇缅公路的第一座真正的桥。
i leave the bridge's far end, walking between walls of rain forest that rise like green tapestries a hundred feet high. as i walk, i'm thinking of mitchell opas, now 86, who served as a u.s. army medic during world war ii and whom i've interviewed at reunions from massachusetts to texas. "if that road's still there," opas has instructed me, his finger pointed in my direction for emphasis, "then you send pictures of it."
我走出了桥的尽头,走入了拔地而起的重重雨林,像是走在百英尺高的绿色挂毯之间。我一边走一边想着现年86岁的mitchell opas,他在二战期间是美军义务人员,我在从麻省到德州的各类老兵聚会上数次采访过他。“如果那条路还在的话,”opas用手指着我,加强语气说:“那你就寄些他的照片回来。”
up the pavement ahead of me, dogs doze in the sun as children run back and forth across the otherwise empty road's chipped asphalt. two hundred yards farther along, a wood-planked district police station encircled by razor wire sits off the road's left shoulder. when i begin to pass it by, a green-uniformed sentry—his assault rifle slung across his belly—lifts his weapon. using the gun's black barrel, he motions me inside the front gate. "please," he suggests, "come inside."
i'm led to the commander's office, where i'm offered a handshake and a chair. the commander is an imposing man in his 40s named g. k. grung, his olive uniform festooned with flashing gold stars. seated behind a wooden desk, he examines my passport and visa. he's especially interested in my restricted area permit, the paper authorizing me to travel the final 18 miles (28 kilometers) of road inside india's otherwise off-limits state of arunachal pradesh. here in arunachal's jungle, the road crests a 3,727-foot (1,135-meter) mountain notch called pangsau pass, which constitutes india's hotly defended border with myanmar, the nation formerly known as burma.
我被引入指挥官的办公司,他跟我握了手,请我坐下。年过40的指挥官名叫g. k. grung,颇有威严,橄榄色制服上挂满闪闪发亮的金星。他坐在木桌后,先检查了我的护照和签证。他对我的“禁区通行证”特别感兴趣,这个文件授权我行走此路段的最后28公里,这段路位于印度的禁区arunachal pradesh。公路在arunachal的丛林中直上1136公尺高的pangsau隘口(在印度语中的意思为“地狱隘口”)。这里位于印度和缅甸激烈争议的边界上。
commander grung looks up. "i'm sorry," he says, "but we have been issued new orders about the road to pangsau pass. no visitors are allowed past this point. unfortunately, this means you." he smiles, then taps his desk with his right forefinger. "there is significant rebel activity here at the moment. the jungles are something of a no-man's-land. we cannot assure your security. therefore, you cannot proceed."
i smile back. this is how my journey along the burma road begins: with recollections of old soldiers and a warning backed by machine guns as i get close to india's touchy frontier.
for about 75 cents a day—three-quarters of what men make—women in ledo, india, carry coal to railway cars. the city's rail line made it the terminus of one of the most controversial and ambitious engineering feats of world war ii: the building of a military supply road through burma, then held by the japanese. the allied forces who built the road were plagued by monsoons, disease, and enemy fire.
weighed down by human cargo, a truck barrels across a bridge on the old burma road. another driver wasn't as lucky, permanently parking his truck in the creek. in water-logged burma, now known as myanmar, world war ii crews built dozens of bridges, while under constant attack by the japanese. chinese nationalist leader chiang kai-shek estimated the road would be finished in a few months. it took two years.
women harvesting rice make for a peaceful scene in myanmar's mogaung valley—a sharp contrast to 1944 when u.s. and chinese troops passed through on their way to a bloody battle with the japanese at myitkyina. the japanese were finally vanquished after a ten-week siege that took more than 2,000 lives, including 972 chinese. despite china's losses along the road, gen. joseph "vinegar joe" stilwell, the u.s. commander in asia, criticized chiang kai-shek throughout the war for not fighting the japanese more aggressively. as it turned out, chiang was as worried about communist insurgents under mao zedong as he was about the japanese army.
beneath fluttering red banners chinese students practice for a memorial ceremony at the battlefield of songshan, or pine tree mountain. in the summer of 1944 the allies battled thousands of japanese who had commandeered the mountain's strategic heights. chinese troops pressed their assault for nearly three months before they took control of the summit. by then some 1,300 japanese and more than 7,600 chinese lay dead.
compared with most citizens of impoverished myanmar, a woman cradling her newborn in shingbwiyang is doing well thanks to the recent discovery of gold nearby. her home may be made of tarpaulin, but her husband's jewelry business is flourishing, bringing in such luxuries as a tv set, a vcr, and a motorcycle. the country's economy has long been hampered by a series of repressive and often brutal military regimes that have ruled the nation since 1962. with valuable timber and mineral resources such as petroleum, tin, copper, and gemstones, myanmar could be described as the poorest rich country in the world.