改写:给母亲的信-a letter to mother
jane is not well. she is at the doctor's.
doctor: good morning. 1
jane: 2 but i have a temperature of 38℃.
doctor: and other symptoms (病症)?
jane: i'm feeling very tired, and i'm aching all over. i've been sneezing (打喷嚏) a lot. i've also got a sore throat (喉咙痛).
doctor: it seems that you've caught the flu that's going around here. let me look at your throat and check your pulse rate.
jane: 3
doctor: well it comes and it goes. nothing but a few days' rest can help you back on your feet. i'll write you a prescription (处方).
are you allergic (过敏) to any drugs?
jane: 4
doctor: then have this filled at the chemist's. stay indoors, keep warm, drink a lot of water. 5
jane: thank you, doctor.
a.is it serious?
b.what seems to be the trouble?
c.you'll get well in no time.
d.i don't agree with you.
e.i'm not sure.
f.does it come and go?
g.i don't think so.
答案:1.b 2.e 3.f 4.g 5.c
after jane's visit to the doctor, jane wrote a letter to her mother, who was out of town. note that the letter should include the following points:
①what is wrong with jane?
②how did the doctor examine her?
③what did the doctor think of her trouble?
④what treatment did the doctor suggest to jane?
a letter to mother
april 6th
dear mother,
i feel bad today. i saw the doctor. at first i told him i had a fever and felt very tired. i was aching all over and got a sore throat. the doctor thought i caught the flu that's going around here. then he looked at my throat and checked my pulse rate. after that he told me there was nothing serious. he asked me to have a few days rest and drink more water. at last he gave me some medicine. i think i'll get well in no time.
don't worry about me.
your daughter,
1)这是女儿给母亲写的一封信。信的内容是根据上述对话中jane找doctor看病的经过写的。所以,信文实际上是一篇过程说明文(process analysis essay)。过程说明文最显著的特点就是用表示时间先后顺序的衔接词语连贯全文,如本文中的“at first”,“then”,“after that”,“at last”就是这样的词语。
2)把对话改写成短文时,最重要的一点就是把直接引语变成间接引语。这时,就要注意正确使用如文中的“i told him (that)…”,“the doctor thought (that)…”,“…he told me (that)…”,“he asked me to…”等具有转述功能的句型。此外,还须注意人称代词、指示词、时间或地点副词的转换和应用。