论缘份-on luck
on luck
nowadaya many people believe in luck. they believe it in love, in tests, promotions, etc. i think of luck in many respects. it does not come alone. luck and opportunity go hand in hand with hard work and knowledge.
i wan once assigned to work deep in the mountain. being from a poor family, friendless and having no influential relative to rely on, i cursed my luck and let myself drift aimlessly and idled my time away until one day i realizcd that i could better myself by working bard at my lessons and excel in academic studies. unsatisfied with my surroundings, i could not sleep at night. listening to the sound of water rushing down the mountain, i felt i must keep going on just like the water. so i used to get up and read early in the morning when it was still dark and quiet. while others were sleeping soundly, i was already up in my study, reading.
hard work is rewarding. when the college entrance cxamlnatlon came, i took it without hesitation. as a result, i distinguished myself in the test. new i am at college, majoring in my favorite subject, enghsh.
i think luck is nowhere to be found but in my own hands. with held work we can be more knowledgeable and with knowledge comes good luck.