天蓝蓝的,云白白的,秋阳艳艳的,又是一年丰收时。 一早,小兔子茜茜就快速完成洗漱,早餐没吃就挎着个大大的篮子往自己的田园飞奔去。“呵!终于可以收割了,我的萝卜肯定又大又甜,这个冬天我就再也不为吃,去妈妈那喽!还能尝到丰收的喜悦,真好!!!!!” 茜茜一脸兴奋,在看到哥哥的菜园时,笑容更灿烂了。她心想:哥哥的萝卜又大又肥的,我的也一定差不了,因为我今年我常常浇水,很勤快。” 茜茜连蹦带跳,三步并做两步,一会就到了自己的菜园子,看到那还有点绿的萝卜,迫不及待地就拔了一颗,“啊!不会吧!”小兔子邹起眉头,原来这个萝卜又小又瘦。小兔子继续嘀咕着:“这个肯定是例外,下一个肯定肥嘟嘟的。”第二个,第三个......当最后一个萝卜拔起时,小兔子终于忍不住大哭起来,因为这些萝卜全都是又小又瘦的:“我有认真浇水呀!往年我懒,收成不好,可是今年我很认真,怎么也是如此......5555555” 小兔子的哭声惊动了不远处正在收割的妈妈,妈妈焦急地赶过来,:“茜茜,乖!别哭,刚才你说常常浇水,其实萝卜虽然需要水分,但水多了会淹着它的,还要常给萝卜施肥,你有没有做到呢?” “哦!妈妈我知道了!谢谢您!以后我就向您多问问,多学学,长点经验,否则明年我又是这样的收成了!”茜茜高兴的笑了。 其实作为学生的我们,光努力学习是不够的,更要有适合自己的学习方法,要多请教别人,多练多做,这样才会提高自己的学习和课余生活。days of blue,cloud white , qiu-yang yan-yan, and another year of bumper harvest.
early in the morning, the small rabbit sisi on the quick wash, leaving for breakfast without food on a big basket in his own pastoral flew to. "oh! finally able to harvest, and i am sure are big and sweet radish, but this winter i'll no longer to eat, go to their mother's another! can also taste the joy of harvest, nice !!!!!"
cc look of excitement, when they saw her brother's garden, the smile even more brilliant of the. she thought: brother's big and fat radish, and i certainly can not be bad, because i watered this year, i am often very diligent. "
cc lianbengdaitiao, three-step and do two steps, a will to his own vegetable garden and saw that a little bit green, radish, can not wait to pull the one on the "ah! not think so!" little rabbit zou from his brow, the original of this small, thin turnip. whispered the little rabbit continued: "this is certainly an exception, the next one definitely plump." the second, third ...... when the last one turnip roots, small rabbits finally could not help but cry together, because these radishes are all small, thin: "i have to seriously watered呀! in previous years, i am lazy, the poor harvest, but this year i am seriously, how is true ...... 55555555"
alarmed by the cries of a small rabbit not far from being harvested, her mother anxiously rush over,: "sisi, well-behaved! not cry, just now you said is often watering, in fact, although the need for water radish, but the water would submerge more with it, but also often to the radish fertilization, you have to do it? "
"oh! mother i know! thank you! future, i'll ask you many more to learn, long points, experience, or next year, i became so close!" sisi happy laugh.
indeed, as our students, the light to study is not enough, there must be suited to their learning methods, we must ask more than others, do more training, so that will enhance their learning and after-school life.