- a surprise praise-意外的表扬,a surprise praise-意外的表扬范
- rabbit-兔子,rabbit-兔子范文
- there is no end to learning-学无止境,there is no end to lear
- blackboard-黑板,blackboard-黑板范文
- my hobby-我的业余爱好,my hobby-我的业余爱好范文
- popular songs-流行歌曲,popular songs-流行歌曲范文
- snow-雪,snow-雪范文
- a wonderful pingpong match-漂亮的乒乓球赛,a wonderful pingpo
- walking-散步,walking-散步范文
- life-人生,life-人生范文
- touring in guilin-游桂林,touring in guilin-游桂林范文
- olympic flame-奥运圣火,olympic flame-奥运圣火范文
- styles in clothing-衣服样式,styles in clothing-衣服样式范文
- my favourite tv programme-我最喜欢的电视节目,my favourite tv
- autumn-秋天,autumn-秋天范文
- a day in the park-公园一日,a day in the park-公园一日范文
- a happy time-一段愉快的时光,a happy time-一段愉快的时光范文
- an outing-郊游,an outing-郊游范文
- sunrise-日出,sunrise-日出范文
- my first flight-第一次飞行,my first flight-第一次飞行范文
- all-win business,all-win business范文
- a trip to mount jiuhua-九华山之行,a trip to mount jiuhua-九
- a bitter sweet experience-又苦又甜的经历,a bitter sweet expe
- do you believe there are persons with supernatural power?-你
- the harmfulness of heresies-邪教的危害,the harmfulness of he
- the meaning of life-生活的意义,the meaning of life-生活的意
- to dye it or not to dye it-染发还是不染发,to dye it or not t
- lets honor farmers-向农民致敬,lets honor farmers-向农民致敬
- individuality-个性,individuality-个性范文
- fireworks-烟花,fireworks-烟花范文
- hold to your dreams-坚持你的梦想,hold to your dreams-坚持你
- dont scribble on the desk-不要在桌上乱写乱画,dont scribble o
- cheating in exams is shameful conduct-作弊是可耻的行为,cheat
- be active in class-上课要积极,be active in class-上课要积极
- jet transportation, a great development in transportation-飞
- your ideal partner-你理想中的伙伴,your ideal partner-你理想
- do you agree to build a large factory near your community?-
- 21st century: newspapers vs. internet-二十一世纪:报纸vs. 互
- decoding of genes: hope or dread?-基因破译:希望还是害怕?,dec
- newspapers, a medium of the past?-报纸、杂志过时了吗?,newspa
- computer: blessing or curse?-电脑的利弊,computer: blessing o
- is space research a waste of money?-探索太空是一种浪费吗?,is
- a letter to home-一封家书,a letter to home-一封家书范文
- a letter to a schoolmate-给同学的一封信,a letter to a school
- chinese senior citizen-中国的老年人,chinese senior citizen-
- a walk along the seashore-海滨漫步,a walk along the seashore
- the drought in northern parts of our country-我国北方的干旱,
- is the internet a blessing or a curse?-互联网是福是祸?,is th
- internet: a blessing or a curse?-互联网:福是祸?,internet: a
- technology is changing our lives-技术正改变我们的生活,techno
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